Concept Fashion Show in Impiana Hotel and Utar Fashion Night
For the past 2 weeks, it was a damn tiring moment for me but yet a memorable one. Involved in Utar fashion night and was asked to give a shot for a concept fashion show in Impiana Hotel. I really enjoyed those moments as I get to know a lot of friends and famous people out there. The most challenging fashion show for me was the concept fashion show in Impiana Hotel where I need to pose and challenge myself in front of all the people in Impiana Hotel. The fashion show brings me further to the modelling world and get myself exposed to the people out there. Some event companies even asked me to be one of their part-time model for any show that they going to organize and I just agreed with it to gain more experience. It was last Saturday, 30 June 2007, where all these shows were continuos for the whole day. I was rather tired where I need to wake up early in the morning and rush to the hotel and get prepared everything. All make-up artist and hairstylist showed their talent in "decorating" us for the concept fashion show. I was chosen to be the "fire element" where I play the role as a devil. All the models were good and we gave our best shot for it. After that, it took me about 30 minutes to wash off everything that had been painted on my body and after that rushed to Utar for the fashion night. As soon as I reached Utar, I was directly asked to change my clothes and had my hair-do and make-up. I really had myself exploded that day as it was damn tiring but yet I had the blast of funs. After the fashion show, I went for clubbing at Poppy with friends and got drunk. It was a cheeky night too where I danced crazily with all hot people there. Below are some photos taken but actually there are more and to be uploaded soon. >.<
Concept Fashion Show
The Devils
With designer...
Me and the gorgeous Cindy
Me and Adeline :)
My casual wear >.<
future top model..haha
Good for people to know.
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